Even before starting their studies, but also during the course of their studies, prospective students and students have many questions, which our Student Advisory Service is happy to help with. Answers to the most frequently asked questions have also been summarized in the FAQ overview here:

General Questions
Exams or oral exams are offered at the end of the semester in which the course assigned to a module was offered or the module ends: the main exam phase in spring or in the fall. This examination may also be taken at the beginning of the next semester: the second exam phase in spring or in the fall. It should be noted that examinations that take place on 01.04. or 01.10. or later are already attributed to the new semester. This means that students must re-registrater for the semester and that this semester counts towards their total number of semesters (program semesters).
Registrations for and withdrawal (de-registration) from exams must be made via BOSS (system not fully available in English yet). It is strongly recommended that registrations and de-registrations made in the BOSS are checked immediately and documented, for example by means of a printout.
You can register for an exam up to two weeks before the exam takes place.
After you have registered for an exam, you can withdraw (de-register) from an exam up to one day before the exam date (up to 23:59). For seminars and project seminars, the exam date is the date of the binding declaration of participation to the examiner. In the case of oral exams, the withdrawal period is one week prior to the exam.
Exams can be repeated a maximum of two times. There are therefore a total of three attempts per exam. Bachelor's/Master's theses can only be repeated once.
The respective examination board is responsible for recognitions. Please contact the Departmental Examinations Office.
As soon as an examination has been attempted or a student has withdrawn from the exam for a valid reason (such as illness), recognition or outside results for that course/ component is no longer possible.
You can find all informationen abouth the recognition procedure (process and form) here.
You can get information on planning a semester abroad either from the departmental Erasmus coordinator or the International Office. If you have any questions about integrating a semester abroad into your studies, you can contact the Student Advisory Service.
You can get the confirmation from the Examinations Office or the department's Management Studies and Teaching.
Each year in September/October, the Department of Business and Economics awards twelve-month Germany- and NRW-scholarships in cooperation with its corporate partners. Information on this is available each year from around the end of August on the department's website under Studies.
Information on degree programs with Business Administration and Economics as a minor subject can be found here.
All information and forms for applying for BAföG can be obtained from the Studierendenwerk Dortmund (link in German).
You must have 60 (out of 120 credits) in order to continue to receive BAföG after the 4th semester. To receive form no. 5, please contact Katrin Uhlenbruck of the Central Examination Office and ask to have your certificate of achievement sent directly to annika.ivenstu-dortmundde. In addition, please contact annika.ivenstu-dortmundde via e-mail and request that the form no 5 stating the semester and date for which the required credits are to be proven. Your application will be processed as soon as possible and form no. 5 will be sent to you.
The department has a complaing mangement system, to which you can turn both personally or anonymously.
Questions on the Bachelor's Program
The Bachelor's program is admission-restricted up to the 6th semester. Admission even in higher semesters is therefore only possible after a successful application. Information about the application can be found here (in German), application deadline: 15.9. (winter semester) and the 15.03. (summer semester). Admission can only be granted if a student of TU Dortmund University releases his or her study place. Whether a study place has become available can only be determined at very short notice before the start of the semester, after all registered students have reported back (winter semester = end of September or summer semester = end of March). The notification of admitted applicants therefore takes place very shortly before the start of lectures. We highly recommend contacting the student advisory service prior to application. This does not affect the possibility of applying for the 1st semester in the winter semester.
If you are a foreign student thinking of changing to TU Dortmund University, the International Office is the right place to approach. The university also provides an overview of the application process for foreign students.
In general, the same procedure should be followed as when wishing to change from a course from another university (see above). In order to clarify questions of recognition in the run-up to the application, students should consult the department's Examination Office.
The Bachelor's program can be started only in the winter semester. The application deadline is July 15 of each year. All enrollment information can be found here (in German). If you have any questions about enrollment, you can contact the Student Registration Office.
If you are a foreign student thinking of changing to TU Dortmund University, the International Office is the right place to approach. The university also provides an overview of the application process for foreign students.
For questions regarding admission and enrollment you can contact the Student Registry Office.
If you were ill on the exam date or had other important reasons for not taking part in the exam, you must notify the Examination Office in writing within 7 days after the exam date. If you missed the exam due to important reasons, the reasons must be detailed enough to enable the Examinations Office to understand why this meant you had to miss the exam. If the reason you missed the exam was an illness, you must submit a doctor's certificate . You can find a corresponding form here (in German).
The decision as to which certificates are recognized is made by the examination board. You can find some initial information here.
The choice of specialization must be made before registering for the first exam of modules 8a to 8d upwards, so usually is done in the fourth semester. The specialization can be entered via the BOSS system.
No, a specialization cannot be changed once chosen.
A maximum of four modules 8a-d can be taken. The combination of modules 8a-d within a specialisation can be chosen freely. It is not possible to take additional modules.
A module examination or a partial coursework is bindingly chosen once, after registering for them the student does not withdraw within the time frame that this is freely possible and thus the examination procedure is opened. This also means that if a student withdraws for a valid reason (such as illness) on the day of the exam the choice of module exam or partial coursework is still fixed. Changing to another module examination is only possible in Module 10: Complement II within the framework of a repeated attempt.
Changes in Module 10: Complement II are allowed only in the case of a failed attempt. The failed attempts must be retained.
A change of the supervising teaching area is possible after a failed attempt in the seminar/ project seminar as well as after failing the bachelor thesis. In total, a maximum of three attempts are possible in the seminar and project seminar, and two attempts for the Bachelor thesis.
No. Seminar/project seminar topics or Bachelor topics can be chosen freely within the specialization. Detailed information about seminars, project seminasr and bachelor thesis can be found here.
Possibly you want to register for one of the modules 8a to 8d or higher modules without having selected your specialization beforehand. If the problem persists after defining your specialization in BOSS, please contact the Central Examination Office of TU Dortmund University.
The bachelor's thesis can only be registered with the Examination Office once completed modules for 120 credits or more have been earned .
A bachelor's thesis is registered and issued exclusively via the supervising teaching area after deciding on the topic together with the student. The teaching areas have a form for issueing bachelor's theses, in which the relevant information on the topic of the thesis, the two examiners, the issue date, and so on, is added. This is then sent to the Examination Office by the teaching area. Students then receive a confirmation letter from the Examination Office with further relevant information such as the submission date.
Questions on the Master's Program
There are currently no admission restrictions for the Master's in Business Administration and Economics. This means that anyone who meets the admission requirements can enroll in the program. The mandatory admission requirement is a relevant Bachelor's degree with at least "good" (grade 2.5 or ECTS grade B). The enrollment requirements show you a presentation of the content-related admission requirements that a relevant bachelor's degree must fulfill (link in German).
If you are a foreign student thinking of changing to TU Dortmund University, the International Office is the right place to approach. The university also provides an overview of the application process for foreign students.
Enrollment/transfer is possible for both the summer and winter semester. At the moment, enrollment/transfer to the master's program is also possible during the current semester. Enrollment/transfer is always possible until October 31 (winter semester) or April 30 (summer semester). Further information on enrollment can be found here (link in German).
If you are a foreign student thinking of enrolling at TU Dortmund University, the International Office is the right place to approach. The university also provides an overview of the application process for foreign students.
No, a study profile cannot be changed once chosen.
A module examination or a partial coursework is bindingly chosen once, after registering for them the student does not withdraw within the time frame that this is freely possible and thus the examination procedure is opened. This also means that if a student withdraws for a valid reason (such as illness) on the day of the exam the choice of module exam or partial coursework is still fixed. It is not possible to change to another module examination or partial coursework as part of a repeat attempt.
Every semester at the beginning of lectures, an information event for new master students is offered. Starting with the summer semester 2016, a preliminary course for the compulsory module "Econometrics" will be offered. Information about this will be published in time on the der department page "Studies".
You can create your own schedule via the LSF system (LSF stands for Lehre Studium Forschung - Teaching, Studies, Research; not all information is available in English). Information for each semester is activated approximately eight weeks before the start of lectures. A password is not required to view the schedule.
You select a study profile when you first register for an exam in BOSS (link in German). We strongly recommend to take care making this choice and checking it immidiately afterwards in order to avoid mistaken entries.
You must take at least two seminars.
The master's thesis can only be registered with the Examination Office once completed modules for 60 credits or more have been earned.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Examinations Office or the department's Management Studies and Teaching.