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Information about Exams

As the semester comes to a close, and your stay in Dortmund as well unless you are staying for a further semester, you will be getting ready to sit exams and finish your projects for seminars. We have put together important information on exams for you on this page.

Please note:

The department's examination period begins after the end of the lecture period. The first examination period takes place in the first three weeks after the end of the lecture period. Oral examinations can be held up to four weeks after the end of the lecture period. A second examination period takes place at the end of the semester.

Students must register for examinations at least two weeks before the examination date. Exchange students can do this using the form on this page. After this deadline, participation in the examination can no longer be guaranteed.

Exchange students taking exams at the Department of Business and Economics can sign up for an emailing list with information on exam dates, registration periods and lecture hall allocation.  You can unsubscribe from the list by e-mail.

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Examination Dates and Locations

The Department of Business and Economics offers examinations twice per semester. The main dates are in the first examination period, which is in the first three weeks after the end of the lecture period . The second examination period is in the last weeks of each semester and the first week of the new semester.

The exact dates of the examinations are published in the middle of the semester on the website of the Departmental Examinations Office. The place and time of the individual examinations will be announced towards the end of the semester, but no later than two weeks before the date.

Registration for Exams

How you register for exams depends on the courses you are taking:

Exams offered at the Department of Business and Economics.

You can register for these exams via the departmental Erasmus coordinator by using the online form for exam registration below. You cannot register as an exchange student via the BOSS system. In the case of oral exams, you should also contact your lecturer directly to arrange a date for the exam.

For these exams you usually register directly with the lecturer. In this case, registration should take place at least two weeks before the end of the lecture period .


Registrations must be made at least two weeks before the exam to be valid. If you miss this deadline, successful registration can no longer be guaranteed. For oral exams, registration should take place at least two weeks before the end of the lecture period .

Exam Registration Business and Economics

Register for exam now!

© Aliona Kardash​/​TU Dortmund

Other exams

  • Presentations and written work in seminars and in some lectures: You will be informed by the lecturers about the procedure and deadlines.
  • Exams for courses offered by other departments or at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum or Universität Duisburg-Essen : Please contact your lecturers to ask how to register for the exam.

Deregistering from Exams

If you do not wish to take an examination for which you have been registered, you should deregister. This requires no justification and is possible until the day before a written exam and one week before an oral exam.

To do so, simply send an e-mail to the departmental Erasmus coordinator . In the email you should include your name, student ID number and the exam from which you wish to withdraw.

If you want to deregister for an exam at another department or university, write directly to the respective lecturer(s).

Exam Results

The exam results of written exams are sent to the departmental Erasmus coordinator and from there to the students. So you will receive your exam results by email. Results of oral exams, from seminars or exams from other departments are usually handled similarly.

If you are doing your exchange semester at the Department of Business and Economics, your results will be transferred directly to your Transcript of Records. If you come from another department, your results will be transferred to the Erasmus coordination of the respective department.

Photo: Woman looking at her laptop screen, nervously chewing on a pencil © JESHOOTS.COM​/​ Unsplash

Exams FAQs

The Department of Business and Economics offers examinations twice per semester. The main dates are in the first examination period, which is in the first three weeks after the end of the lecture period . The second examination period is in the last weeks of each semester and the first week of the new semester.

It should be noted that examinations that take place on 01.04. or 01.10. or later are already attributed to the new semester. This means that students must also be registered for this semester.

The examination dates for the first and second examination phase (main and post date) can be found on our websites. The exam dates are usually published a few weeks before the respective exam phase. The exact times are then published on the same page.

Please contact the instructor of your language course.

Yes, this is possible. If you pass the exam on the second try, that grade for that course will be entered on your Transcript of Records.