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Presentation of the Teaching Innovation Award 2019/2020

The student representatives of the Committee for Improving the Quality of Teaching have announced the winners of the Teaching Innovation Award 2019/2020 in the categories "E-Learning", "Internationalization" and "Practical Relevance". The awards went to:

For e-learning: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffjan for the bachelor course "Kostenrechnung und Controlling" (cost accounting and controlling) and the associated "KoCo Quiz" app (application with quiz and exam mode for semester-long learning and exam preparation, best ranking as incentive).
For internationalization: JProf. Dr. Nadine Georgiou for the master course "Empirical Accounting" (processing of international case studies taking into account cultural and institutional characteristics).
For practical relevance: JProf. Dr. Manuel Wiesche for the master's course "Digital Transformation" (case study work in a team, recognition and analysis of concepts of digital transformation).

The department extends its sincere congratulations to the award winners and encourages all department members to bring suitable courses to the attention of the QVM Commission for the Teaching Innovation Award 2020/2021. Proposals or applications should be sent by email to the head of the QVM Commission.