Current Research Findings
Publication of a study on how unintended use can inform information system design
The professorship Digital Transformation published a study in the European Journal of Information Systems.
New publication in European Review of Economic History: "Is there a refugee gap? Evidence from over a century of Danish naturalizations".
The “refugee gap”—the difference in the economic status of refugees relative to other migrants might be due to the experience of being a refugee or to…
23. International Working Seminar on Production Economics 2024
14.02. - 18.02.2024 Innsbruck, Austria
Conference presentation
M. Sc. Regina Thelen
Publication of a study on the careers of freelancers on digital labor platforms in the gig economy
The professorship publishes a study on the careers of freelancers on digital labor platforms in the gig economy.
Conference presentations of the Junior Professorship at the ACERE 2024 in Sydney
The Junior Professorship for Entrepreneurship and Digitalization presented two research contributions at the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship…
Research talk and workshops by Professor Youngjin Yoo
The visit by Professor Youngjin Yoo from Case Western Reserve University (USA) was a roaring success.
Participation in the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024
The professorship participated in the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences and presented three papers.
New publication in the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics: "Immigrant Communities and Knowledge Spillovers: Danish Americans and the Development of the Dairy Industry in the United States"
Despite the growing literature on the impact of immigration, little is known about the role existing migrant settlements can play for knowledge…
Publication in the British Journal of Management
Publication in the British Journal of Management