Welcome Back!
We hope you had a great stay at your host university and look forward to welcoming you back in Dortmund. Upon your return, there are a few final formalities that you will need to complete.
In this overview by the International Office you will find some of these points. It is mainly about submitting documents so that you meet the necessary requirements for receiving the mobility funding.

Transferring Credit from Your Study Abroad
The recognition of credits received abroad is regulated by the Examination Regulations togehter with the Recognition Regulations. You can read these in more detail here for Bachelor students and here for Master students. A detailed explanation can be found under Recognition Procedures Business Administration and Economics under point 3.
To have your grades recognized at our department you can do the following:
You can directly at the department's Examination Office. To do this, you must submit the following documents:
- Transcript of Records (original and copy)
- Recognition Agreement(s)
- current enrollment certificate
You may also wish to send a Recognition of Outcome form, as you will need this for the International Office. If the declarations of recognition have been signed with a reservation as to content, you must approach the respective professorship again and may have to submit further documents.
If examiners reserved the right to review course contents, the corresponding recognition agreement must be submitted to the examiner(s) and signed again before submission to the Office of Examination Affairs. Further documents on the course taken abroad may have to besubmitted for this purpose.
You can also submit the documents to the department's Examination Office by email. If you want to have several courses recognized, you should submit them collectively. Among other things, this is also important for the Recognition of Outcome form.
Reporting on Your Experiences
The semester abroad has likely afforded you with many opportunities to gather experience, inside-knowledge and memories. We would be very happy if you share some of these with us. By doing so, you are helping us to improve processes and to prepare future participants well for their Erasmus semester.
Furthermore, we find that the experience of our former Erasmus students is a great way to encourage and inspire others to spend a semester abroad. You can decide how public we make your information and which parts of the questionnaire you fill out.
Internationaler Campus - Get Involved!!
You would like to continue your international engagement after your stay abroad? You would like to use your experience to help others? There are many opportunities for this at our department and at TU Dortmund University!
- Participating in the department's Buddy-Program - help incoming students find their way during their Erasmus semester at TU Dortmund University.
- Participate in info events - tell other Business Administration and Economics students about your experiences and help us to make the Erasmus program better known in our department.
- Certificate "Internationales Studium" - with the semester abroad you have already fulfilled one building block for the certificate!
- International Campus - here you will find many interesting events and offers of the International Office.