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Partner Universities

Here you can find an overview of universities with which cooperation agreements are currently in place.

Northern Europe

Link to pages for international students

Course lists for courses held in English in 2023/2024

Updated lists for 2024-202 will be available in spring 2024. Some of the master courses are not offered by the University of Akureyri but at the University Centre of the Westfjords. These courses are marked with the course code CRD or CMM.

Language Ability: B2 in English

Bachelor and Master

Western and Central Europe

Link to Erasmus pages of the university

Additional information

Language Level: B2 English, B1 French (to take courses held in French)

Bachelor and Master

Link to Erasmus pages of the university

On this page you will find information about lecture announcements, accommodations, and preliminary course listings.

Information Sheet 2022-2023

Language Ability: B2 English, B2 French (to take courses held in French)

Bachelor and Master

Link to university's Erasmus pages

Student Guide

Language level: B2 English, B2 French (required),

Courses for Bachelor and Master

Link to international pages of the university

Language Ability: B2 French (all courses held in French)

Bachelor and Master

Link to international pages of university website

Link to courses

Language Ability: B2 English and French (most courses held in French)

Bachelor and Master

Link to Erasmus pages of university

Information on application, courses, etc.

Students may choose from the course lists of the School of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. However, courses should come primarily from one of these areas.

Language Ability: English B2+ (CEFR B2+, IELTS 5.5+, TOEFL IBT 70+ or equivalent)

Bachelor and Master

Link  to pages for international students

Links to course lists: You can choose from the 4 master programs Operations Management & Logistics, Innovation Management, Human Technology and Interaction, and Innovation Sciences.

Link to course descriptions

Academic Calendar

Language Ability: B2+ to C1 English (more information)

Master's students only

Link to pages for international exchange students

Link to pages for Erasmus students

Language Ability: Bachelor's students minimum of B1 English, better B2. Master's students should have B2 English. Courses held in German are also available.

Link to courses held in English

Bachelor and Master

Link to pages for international pages for incoming students

Link to course lists

Language Ability: English B1, Polish B1 (for courses held in Polish)

Bachelor and Master

Link to Erasmus pages of the university

Here you will find information about the university, accommodation, courses, etc.

Link to course catalog

Language Ability: Minimum of B1 English

Bachelor and Master

Link to Erasmus pages of the university

Here you will find information on the university, courses, homes etc.

Language Ability: B2 English

Bachelor and Master

Link zu Erasmus-Seiten der Universität

Student Guide

Sprachniveau: B2 Englisch, B2 Französisch (notwendig),

Kurse für Bachelor und Master

Southern Europe

Link to Erasmus pages

On this page you will find information about lecture announcements, accommodations, and preliminary course listings.

Fact Sheet 2024-2025

Language Ability: B1 English

Courses held in English are mainly offered at Bachelor's level.

Link to pages for exchange students

Here you will find registration instructions, course lists and much more information.

Link to course overview

Language Ability: Bachelor's students should have at least B1 English, master's students B2 English (more information)

Bachelor and Master

Link to pages for Erasmus students

Here you will find registration instructions, course lists and much more in­for­mation.

Language Ability: English B1; Italian A2

Bachelor and Master

Link to pages for international students

FAQs for international students

Link to course list

Link to ECTS Catalog

Language Ability: B1 in English, at least A2/B1 in Italian to take courses held in Italian

Basic understanding of Italian is recommended.

Bachelor and Master

Link to the pages for international students

Language level: B1 in English (B2 is recommended for successful participation in courses).

Basic knowledge of Italian is recommended. B1 in Italian to participate in courses in Italian (B2 is also recommended here).

Bachelor and Master

Link to Erasmus pages

Here you will find registration instructions, course lists and much more in­for­mation.

Link to courses

Students can choose courses from the master's program International Marketing, Management and Organization. Bachelor students can also apply for a place at the university.

Language Ability: Minimum of B1 English

Mainly master's level, advanced bachelor's level possible

Link to Erasmus pages for incoming students

The page contains a lot of important information, including course selection. Please read it carefully.

Note: Bachelor courses are currently offered in Portuguese only. There are tutorials in English for Erasmus students and the possibility to write the exam in English. Master courses are offered in English. Bachelor students from the 5th semester onwards can apply for these.


Language Ability: English B1; Portuguese recommended (need for courses held in Portuguese)

Bachelor (courses in Portuguese) and Master

Link to pages of university

Link to pages for international students

Link to pages for Erasmus students

Erasmus Handbook

At least 50% of the courses must be chosen from the "Administration and Management" area. When choosing courses, make sure that all your courses are on the same campus.

Language Ability: English B2, Spanish recommended

Exchange at bachelor's level only

Link to pages for Erasmus students

Information for incoming students

Language Ability: B1 in English, B2 in Spanish recommended (for courses in Spanish).

Courses in English only at bachelor's level.

Information on Spanish education system

Link to pages for international students

Here you will find links to pages for exchange students, course listings, lecture times, and so on.

Language Ability: B1 in English, B2 in Spanish recommended (needed for courses in Spanish).

Courses in English only at bachelor's level.

Link to pages for international students

Link to course lists for courses held in Turkish

Language Ability: English B2, Turkish B2 (to visit courses held in Turkish)

Bachelor and Master

Link for incoming students

Here you will find links to many important items, such as course listings, learning agreements, visas, etc.

Language Ability: English B1, Turkish B1 (to visit courses held in Turkish)

Bachelor and Master

Link to pages for international students

Link to course catalog

Language Ability: English B1, Turkish B1 (to vistit courses held in Turkish)

Bachelor and Master

Link to page for international students

Link to course catalog

Language Ability: English B2, Turkish B2 (to vistit courses held in Turkish)

Bachelor and Master

Note for the application period 2025/2026

You can apply as part of the second round of applications until 15.02.2024. There are no more available places at the following universities:

  • Università Di Bologna, Italien

  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Spanien, Madrid

  • Marmara Unitversity, Türkei

  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics