Buddy Program Business and Economics

ERASMUS Buddy Program
Would you like to
- establish contacts with international students?
- welcome international students on campus and in Dortmund?
- strengthen your intercultural competence and international profile?
Then the Buddy Program of the Department of Business and Economics is just right for you. Our buddies help international exchange students from other European countries settling in. The Buddy-Program offers you an easy way to make your studies more international. And if you are planning an Erasmus semester yourself, you can use the program to collect plus points for your application.
Your Tasks as a Buddy
The ERASMUS buddies take on the following tasks, among others, as part of their duties:
- Welcoming the exchange student on the day of their arrival and accompanying them to their accommodations
- Assistance with administrative formalities
- Campus tour
- Helping them to create their study timetable
- Assistance with general questions regarding studying at TU Dortmund University
We try to match students in in terms of intended degree, subject, age and interests and hope that cross-border friendships will develop. For Dortmund students, there are many advantages to participating in the ERASMUS Buddy Program:
- Participation in the ERASMUS Buddy Program will be taken into consideration when applying for an exchange place in the Erasmus program. You can apply for buddies within the early application deadline.
- Buddies will receive a certificate, which also counts towards the Internationales Studium certificate.
- If possible, we try to match buddies and incoming students in such a way that the buddy can get to know students from a university they are interested in visiting during an exchange semester. In this way, then can find out more about their university of choice.
Usually, we can inform you about six to eight weeks before the start of lectures whether we have found a suitable student for you. In addition, a kick-off event will take place, during which you will be informed in detail about what being a buddy involves.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator, Dr. Debra Hanning.