Junior Professorship Entrepreneurship: "Network establishment in family firm internationalization: a family social capital perspective"
Research seminar by guest Prof. Trung Quang Ðinh from the University of Akureyri (Iceland) on 05.12.2022 at 13.00 h. Prof. Trung Quang Dinh is visiting TU Dortmund via the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Program.
The Junior Professor of Entrepreneurship invites you to the seminar “Network establishment in family firm internationalization: a family social capital perspective” with Prof. Trung Quang Ðinh the University of Akureyri (Iceland). Prof. Dinh’s research and teaching centers on board of directors and family business. In this seminar, Prof. Dinh will talk about the role of networks in the family firm’s internationalization.
The seminar will take place on Monday, December 5, 2022 at 13.00 h, and it will take place on seminar room SRG 3.032 as well as online. To participate online, please connect to the following link https://tu-dortmund.zoom.us/j/94092042953?pwd=a29Zd2VRcms1QWlKV25tVWtxVDlBZz09
The Junior Professorship for Entrepreneurship looks forward to your participation!