News from the Department
Teaching Innovation Award 2022/2023
Awards were given to coruses in the categories "Internationalization", "E-Learning" and "Practical Relevance".
CHE-Ranking 2023/24
The faculty collects many "likes" in the star ranking for the Bachelor Program of Business Administration and Economics.
Editorial review board of the Academy of Management Review
Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy to serve on the editorial review board of prestigious journal.
Paper accepted at ECIS 2023
Prof. Liudvika Leišytė will present results from the LeDLe project.
Publication on the digitisation of enterprises
Team around Prof. Michael Böhm explores the role of the Covid 19 pandemic for investments in digitisation technologies
Teaching awards 2022/23
Excellent courses “IT Strategy and IT Management” as well as “Mathematics” and “Statistics”.
Publication in European Journal of Operational Research
New publication on exact solution approaches for special arrangement problems.
Design Thinking Team wins Final of Digital Future Challenge
As part of the master's seminar "Design Thinking" at the TIE Institute - Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, students this semester took on the…
Publikation in der Review of Economic Studies
Companies share rising profits with their employees, which has led to above-average wage increases in the financial sector in recent years. This was…