Acht Präsentationen bei Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference 2022

The teaching and research areas Innovation Management and Technology Management presented the following six papers:
- „The Short- and Long-term Relationship between Female CEOs and Training and Development” by Lena Naser, Tessa Flatten and Corinna Schmidt.
- „Booster or Barrier? How Organizational Factors Influence the Relationship between Female CEOs and Digitalization” by Lena Naser, Tessa Flatten and Corinna Schmidt.
- „The Imprinting Effect of Founder High-Investment HR Philosophy and Cognitive Style on Adoption of High Performance Work Systems” by Julian Lechner, Corinna Schmidt and Tessa Flatten.
- „It Takes More than Technology: How a Firm's Digital Orientation Leads to Firm Performance” by Florian Fengel, Steffen Strese and Bastian Kindermann.
- „An Impression Management Perspective on Entrepreneurial Hustle as Antecedent for Perceived Competence and Organizational Attractiveness in New Venture Recruitment” by Anna Hocker, Steffen Strese and Bastian Kindermann.
- „The Effect of Spirituality on Innovation in Entrepreneurship in Africa: The Role of Intuitive and Analytical Thinking” by Anne König, Corinna Schmidt and Tessa Flatten.
The Junior Professorship for Digitalization and Entrepreneurship presented to research projects at the ACERE conference:
- The paper„Home of the Unicorn: Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Necessity Levels and Venture Growth” by Simon Hensellek, Julius de Groot and Tim Haarhaus investigates local entrepreneurial ecosystems and their impact correlations with entrepreneurial outputs.
- The paper„The Grounded Theory Methodology in Entrepreneurship Research” by Simon Hensellek, Giuseppe Natale and Manuel Wiesche analyzes the application of the Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM) in entrepreneurship research and its influence on the generation of new and extension of existing theories.