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Presentation of the teaching awards winter semester 2019/2020

A faculty-wide, paper & pencil-based course evaluation was once again carried out in the winter semester 2019/2020. A total of 110 courses were up for evaluation, including 76 lectures and 34 seminars. 68 lectures (37 x Bachelor, 31 x Master) and 21 seminars were actually evaluated. We would like to thank all students who took part in the evaluation!

The following courses emerged as "winners" in their category:

10-50 PA: Management Control, Saskia Fleig

51-200 PA: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Jan-Martin Geiger

200 PA: Private Law, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kreße

The Faculty Business and Economics would like to congratulate the winners!

The award winners

Saskia Fleig received the Teaching Award 2019/2020 for the course "Management Control" in the category of courses with up to 50 students.
Jan-Martin Geiger received the Teaching Award 2019/2020 for the course "Grundlagen des Entrepreneurship" in the category of courses with more than 50 and up to 200 students (together with lecturer Lukshmypreya Ravindran).
Prof Dr Bernhard Kreße received the Teaching Award 2019/2020 for the course "Privatrecht" in the category of courses with more than 200 students.