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Presentation of the teaching awards winter semester 2013/2014

Since 2009, teaching prizes have been awarded for the best courses in three different group sizes based on student course reviews. In the 2013/2014 winter semester, the Faculty of Business and Economics once again awarded prizes to its best lecturers in three categories.

The following courses emerged as "winners" in their category:

10-50 PA: Quantitative Risk Management, JProf. Dr. Gregor Weiß

51-200 PA: International Management, Prof. Dr. Andreas Engelen

200 PA: Information Management, Dr. Markus Siepermann

The Faculty of Business and Economics would like to congratulate the winners!

The award winners

JProf. Dr Gregor Weiß received the Teaching Award 2013/2014 for the course "Quantitatives Risiko­manage­ment" (category: up to 50 participants).
Prof. Dr. Andreas Engelen received the Teaching Award 2013/2014 for the "Internationales Management" courses (category: 51-200 participants)
Dr. Markus Siepermann (right) received the Teaching Award 2013/2014 for the course "In­for­ma­ti­ons­ma­nage­ment" (category: over 200 participants). The exercises for this course were held by research assistants Wladimir Wenner and Katharina Stehling (from left).