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Innovation Management / Technology Management

Online Application Seminars

The application for the seminars of the institution will be done online. Therefor the formular for your degree program (Bachelor or Master) must be filled in only once. The seminar/s can be choosen in the formular and - if the institution offers multiple seminars for your degree program - you must define a preference.

You must use your "Unimailadresse" (most times in form <> - not <>) for application. If you never used it before, you must activate it two days before in the Serviceportal of TU! In addition you should remove all filters for forwarding or even redirecting mails to external mailaddresses. If you do not know your correct "Unimailadresse" or want to check your filters, have a look at the Webmailer.

The onlineapplication is possible from 01/20/2025 in the morning until 01/24/2025 12:00. Formulars are in german. The corresponding links to the on­line forms will then appear here:


This overview is an attempt to answer some recurring technical questions about online application or online registration for events. We are happy to receive suggestions for further points.

Why should I click through the websites of the event pages - googling is much easier and faster?! That's a very bad idea!

Unfortunately, Google not only remembers links to certain websites, but also saves the websites. They are then stored in Google's cache, and since Google often doesn't (or can't) update it promptly, you may end up with old forms. If the form has been changed for any reason, this will lead to incorrect or incomplete data records for an application or registration.

So - always go via the event pages!

If you have visited this website here in the weeks before the application week, which initially only contains the link text to the forms, it may be that the web browser does not display the current version of this website with the links, but always the version that it still has in the cache.

With most modern web browsers, it is sufficient to load the website and press CTRL + F5 (not just F5!). This instructs the web browser to fetch the web page from the web server again in any case. If this does not work, you must delete the cache of the web browser in its settings.

You can generally assume that a confirmation email is sent and also arrives at the unimail address. The main reasons why you do not see it are:

  • Redirection / forwarding to an external mail address

    If the mails are redirected to an external mail address via a filter in the webmailer, delivery to external mail providers can take up to 30 minutes. It may also be worthwhile to take a look at the SPAM filters or folders with unknown mail senders, which can often only be accessed via the web interface. Very bad are (untidy and) mail addresses with limited size (e.g. GMX,, hotmail, googlemail, arcor, yahoo ...) or if they are with providers who refuse to accept mail without being asked and without notifying the recipient (e.g. AOL).
    In case of doubt, the redirection should be switched off, i.e. the corresponding filter should be deleted (see Webmailer). As an absolute minimum, however, you should ensure that the filter rule becomes a forwarding rule, i.e. that a local copy remains in the mailbox at Unimail. This way, the mail will at least be there in the mailbox.

  • Threading switched on in the mail programme

    Among other things, threading means that mails with identical subjects are displayed together - but at the position in the list of mails in the folder where the oldest mail with this subject is located (assuming the list is sorted by date in descending order as usual). It may therefore be worthwhile to check the settings of the mail programme or to search for the subject.

    In the webmailer Squirrel Mail at the TU, above the list of mails in the VON column, there is probably "No thread display". Click on it if necessary (it should then say "Thread display") and then sort in descending order by the Date column (most recent mails at the top).

  • Unimail address incorrect or not activated

    The unimail address must be activated 2 days before it is used for the first time! The Unimail address usually has the format (not If this mail address has already been assigned to someone else, a running number will be appended to the first name. If you do not know your correct unimail address or want to check the filters, check the Webmailer.

The seminars of an institution are simply numbered consecutively. In the online form, the top seminar topic in the drop-down list of the application form has the number 1, the second 2 and so on.

In the confirmation e-mail, an e-mail address is given both as the reply address and in the mail text, which you should contact in the event of incorrectly entered data.