Resources for Researchers
Here you will find an overview of offers from various institutions at TU Dortmund University that may be relevant for researchers at our department. This includes, in particular, offers that are specifically aimed at researchers and academics early on in their career path. This list is currently being revised and will be further supplemented.
Dortmund University Library
The Dortmund University Library offers researchers a number of interesting services. These include:
- Subject databases - here you will find links to central databases for the fields of business and economics.
- Offers for media acquisition and information for lecturers - you can, for example, order scientific literature and make acquisition suggestions. If you would like to use these databases from your home office, you will also find support on how to do so here.
- Publication support - information on dissertation submission and other relevant offers such as ORCID iD are summarized here. Information on open access publication and support from the DFG publication fund are also provided.

It is also possible to arrange training offers specific to your needs. The contact person for these and other offers is the subject librarian for business and economics, Ms. Ursula Helmkamp.
Research Support Services

Researchers at TU Dortmund University will find a wide range of support options offered by Research Support Services.
These include, for example:
- Project development and management: here researchers can find support in initiating and implementing European collaborative projects as well as university-wide projects.
- Funding advice: This includes advice on funding bodies and formats, as well as support with the application process. A strategic lectorate can significantly improve the chances of a successful application. Workshops, individual consultations and support in developing a third-party funding strategy are also available. The contact person for the faculty is Dr. Stefanie Gottuck.
- Advice on mobility funding for researchers: The Research Funding Unit provides an overview of different funding formats that can be used to support international travel and stays. Researchers can receive assistance in choosing the right program and submitting an application.
In addition, the Research Funding Unit regularly offers interesting events.
Graduate Center TU Dortmund University
The Graduate Center supports researchers in all qualification phases of an academic career - from prospective doctoral candidates to junior faculty. Here, researchers can find personal advice and opportunities for qualification and networking from early in their career onwards.
The Graduate Center's services are tailored to the needs of the individual qualification phases and also include advice on non-academic career paths.

The events offered by the Graduate Center are also adapted to the respective career stage.
Networking opportunities include, for example, the Research Academy Ruhr, a cross-university platform of the Ruhr University Bochum, the Technical University of Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen.
The contact person is Dr. Sibel Vurgun, Head of the Junior Researchers Department.
TU Dortmund University - Center for Data Science and Simulation (DoDaS)
The interdisciplinary research center TU Dortmund Center for Data Science and Simulation (DoDaS) bundles competencies in Data Science and Simulation Science and strengthens the networking of scientists at TU Dortmund University who conduct research in these areas. DoDaS also offers a wide range of data literacy courses, such as the DaCoNet certificate (Data Competence Network) and its own teaching program. (Links available in German only.)
The services of DoDaS include:
- The Statistical Consulting Center supports researchers and students in planning and evaluating surveys and experiments.
- Research data management - here researchers can find information and support on the topic of handling research data, for example in the development of data management plans.
- High performance computing - here you will find information on the Linux HPC cluster (LiDO) at TU Dortmund, the tool for scientific computing at TU Dortmund and FH Dortmund. Researchers can gain access to the full range of HPC resources in NRW via the HPC.NRW competence network. (These links are available in German only.)