Nomination for the Best Paper Award at the 18th International Conference on Business Informatics

TU Dortmund University’s Simon Asbach and Prof. Dr. Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, jointly with Prof. Dr. Andreas Fügener from the University of Cologne, are nominated for the Best Paper Award at the 18th International Conference on Business Informatics.
The nominated article experimentally demonstrates that the presence of a persuasive message positively affects the use of algorithmic advice in quantitative estimation tasks. Surprisingly, tailoring the persuasive message to the user’s personality trait of regulatory focus (by trying to create “regulatory fit”) does not seem to affect the use of algorithmic advice.
The author team also contributes a second article to the conference. This article experimentally investigates the relationship between people’s personality and their use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in quantitative estimation tasks. It shows that personality is an important antecedent of the use of AI advice. In particular, the “Big Five” personality dimensions agreeableness, neuroticism, and extraversion seem to be important predictors for the use of AI advice.
Across both articles, the authors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of their findings and argue for further research in the articles’ respective fields. Both articles will be presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings.
- Asbach, S., Graf-Vlachy L. & Fügener, A. (2023). The Type to Listen to The Machine? The Effect of Personality on the (Under-)Utilization of AI Advice. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Business Informatics, forthcoming.
- Asbach, S., Graf-Vlachy L. & Fügener, A. (2023). Seizing the Potential of Algorithms: The Power of Personalized Persuasive Messages on the Use of Algorithmic Advice. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Business Informatics, forthcoming.