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Economics Seminar

The TU Dortmund Economics Seminar takes place Mondays from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Room 127 (Vogelpothsweg 87, first floor). Feel free to contact ewf.wiwitu-dortmundde for any questions.

Next talk

15 July 2024 - Marcel Vögele    


Date Presenter Title
8 April 2024 First week of term -- no seminar  
15 April 2024 Michael Böhm Occupational Supply Elasticities and Changes in Labour Demand (joint work with Ben Etheridge, U Essex, and Aitor Irastorza-Fadrique, IFS)
22 April 2024 HSL / FKR Week -- no seminar  
29 April 2024 Julia Mink (U Bonn) Putting a price tag on air pollution: the social healthcare costs of air pollution in France
6 May 2024 Maximilian Perl (UDE) The Spatial Distributions of Tasks, Skills and Wages
13 May 2024 Nadine Riedel (U Münster) Corporate Taxes and Export Competition
20 May 2024 Holiday -- no seminar  
27 May 2024 HSL / FKR Week -- no seminar  
3 June 2024 Christian Bayer (U Bonn) "Das Sein bestimmt das Bewußtsein: Attitudes towards fiscal policy according to HANK“
10 June 2024 Tom Görges TBA
17 June 2024 Jeanne Tschopp (U Bern) "The Impact of Unions on Non-union Wage Setting: Threats and Bargaining” and is joint with David Green, Ben Sand and Iain Snoddy
24 June 2024 HSL / FKR Week -- no seminar  
1 July 2024 Gregor Jost Overconfidence and the Gender Application Gap: An Experimental Approach
8 July 2024 Patrick Hufschmidt Conflicts and Political Intervention: Evidence from the Anti-Open Grazing Laws in Nigeria
15 July 2024 Marcel Vögele Demographic and Labor Market Effects of a Shock to Industrial Employment