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Microdata for Scientific Research

Seven representatives of research data centers (RDCs) will be guests of the Professorship of Finance on June 11, 2024.

During the event, they will provide an overview of their data and show how it can be made available for research purposes. The network of several research data centers covers a broad spectrum of data with a social and economic context for scientific research.

The event offers interesting insights for professors, postdocs and doctoral students, but also for students considering an empirical thesis.

The approximately 15-minute presentations will be held in English and offered in a hybrid format.

Interested parties are welcome to participate in person or online.

Information about the event

Date: June 11, 2024, 2 to 5 p.m.

Location: Room M827, including a short get-together with finger food. Online participation is possible via Zoom.

Participating research data centers:

  • Research Data Center of the German Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (FDZ der BA im IAB)
  • Research Data Center of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FDZ-BAuA)
  • Research Data Center at the German Centre of Gerontology (FDZ-DZA)
  • Research Data Centers of the Statistical Offices of the Federation and the Federal States (FDZ-Bund/Länder)
  • Research Data Center of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FDZ)
  • Research Data Center of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV)
  • Research Data Center at the Federal Motor Transport Authority (FDZ im KBA)

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