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SchnupperUni 2024

The text "SchnupperUni" written in green chalk on a not quite cleanly wiped blackboard, next to it a painted magnifying glass and a half-filled test tube © Saskia Molewicz ​/​ TU Dortmund

Lectures and workshops offer students a practical insight into different areas of economics.

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is taking part in TU Dortmund University's SchnupperUni 2024 with several interesting lectures and workshops. This will take place from August 12 - 15, 2024; registration is possible until August 5, 2024.

As part of the taster university, pupils from year 10 onwards can get to know many courses of study at TU Dortmund University by attending lectures / workshops or participating in live experiments and exercises. They also have various opportunities to make contact with students, lecturers and people from the world of work.

Further information and program