Fireside Evening with Chief Financial Officer Dr. Bernhard Günther

Students meet board members is the motto of the "fireside evening" as part of the seminar "Controlling in Network Industries (Controlling in Netzindustrien)". In mid-January, students from the Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral programs met Dr. Bernhard Günther, CFO of the Finnish energy company Fortum. The fireside evening offers students the unique opportunity to ask a CFO individual and personal questions.
The close and open exchange with Dr. Bernhard Günther was a particular highlight of the evening. He gave a comprehensive account of his impressive career and moving life. Sharing a meal in the special ambience of the restaurant Lennhof offered plenty of opportunity to answer all student questions comprehensively in a relaxed atmosphere. The evening has been a positive experience for all participants and will certainly be repeated in January 2024 with other students.