Farewell to Professor Bernhard Kreße

Professor Bernhard Kreße leaves the Department of Business and Economics after 7 years to follow a call to the FernUniversität in Hagen. Mr. Kreße received his doctorate at the University of Cologne and then moved to the FernUniversität in Hagen. There he habilitated on the topic of auction as a competitive process. Since 2015, he has been head of the research and teaching area "Economic Law" at the Department of Business and Economics at TU Dortmund University. Students very much appreciated Mr. Kreße style of teaching. He was the recipient of the departmental Teaching Award several times for his courses "Privatrecht", "Handelsrecht" and "Arbeitsrecht".
In addition, Professor Kreße was particularly involved in academic self-administration. From February 2021 to June 2022, he acted as the Dean of Studies and thus dedicated to guiding the future development of the department. As a member of the Task Force Teaching, Mr. Kreße furthered the continuous improvement of the department's course offerings and thus championed the interests of the students. Furthermore, Mr. Kreße advocated the continuous internationalization of the department and actively supported the Task Force Internationalization. Mr. Kreße was also an active member of numerous departmental examination committees.
The Deans, the Dean's Office and the entire department would like to thank Mr. Kreße very much for his active commitment and wish him all the best and continuing success for the future