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Award for a Platform Publication by the Professorship Digital Transformation

Logo Electronic Markets © Springer Verlag
A publication by Digital Transformation has been named Paper of the Year 2020 by the Electronic Markets journal.

The publication "Value co-creation practices in business-to-business platform ecosystems" by the professorship Digital Transformation, written in collaboration with the Technical University of Munich, has been awarded the Paper of the Year 2020 Award by the Electronic Markets journal.
In the context of emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) platforms, the multi-case study found that B2B platforms follow three standardized value creation practices. The platform promotes the supply side by (1) integrating complementary assets, the demand side by (2) ensuring platform readiness, and connects both processes by (3) servitization through application enablement. In addition, it was possible to show how platforms leverage different frontier resources in a process of standardization to develop a scalable infrastructure that explains how platforms enable value collaboration within their ecosystem.
The journal Electronic Markets is ranked in the VHB Ranking JOURQUAL 3 in category B. The selection process for the award followed a multi-step process that included quantitative measures such as citations and downloads, as well as qualitative criteria evaluated by the journal's senior and associate editors.

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