Current call for applications for the China Scholarship Program of the Studienstiftung

As part of the current call for applications for the China Scholarship Program of the Studienstiftung, 10 scholarships will be awarded for a one-year stay in the People's Republic of China starting in September 2025.
The China Scholarship Program is aimed at students of all subjects with and without previous experience of China and a substantial interest in the People's Republic of China. It offers them the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of the Chinese language and society as well as the university and scientific landscape during a one-year language and study stay.
The scholarship includes the following benefits:
- flat-rate study allowance of €300 from the Studienstiftung
- a living allowance of up to € 812 per month calculated according to BaföG guidelines
- if applicable, allowances for health and long-term care insurance
- lump sum abroad in the amount of € 350
- foreign allowance according to BaföG for recipients of the basic scholarship currently amounting to € 73
- travel allowance in the amount of €825
- payment of tuition fees in China by the China Scholarship Council
- preparatory language course
Admission to the China Scholarship Program is accompanied by admission to the Studienstiftung, and scholarship holders will continue to be supported by the Studienstiftung after their return from China.
Applications can be submitted until October 10, 2025.
Further information on the program and application (in German)