FLIP application deadline extended

The application deadline for the master course "Financing and Launching Innovative Products" is extended to 08.10.2023.
The course provides you with the unique opportunity to work on “real” entrepreneurial ideas and help the teams to develop them further. You will receive guidance by the chair as well as by our partner throughout the process.
The integrated lecture and exercise will be held Wednesdays from 10.00 to 14.00 in SRG 1.024.
Please apply via our application tool. (https://wisotudortmund.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3IxWlv5EeggM57L).
The following documents are required for the application:
Boss Transcript of records (Master)
Proof of grade (Bachelor)
CV in tabular form
We may ask for confirmations of your experiences individually.
The selection of students follows the selection criteria for seminars and theses, which you can find on our website.
Deadline for the application is the 08.10.2023
Please send the required documents via email to darius.abeltu-dortmundde