Cowork4EU at Global Gallery 2022

Together with 28 other international projects from TU Dortmund University institutions, the EU-funded Erasmus+ project "Cowork4EU: Coworking Best Practices for European Universities" was presented to an international audience by JProf. Dr. Simon Hensellek and Jonah Weißwange from the Junior Professorship for Entrepreneurship and Digitalization at this year's Global Gallery at TU Dortmund University. In addition to a Gallery Walk and the awarding of prizes for the best international projects, award ceremonies were held for international guest researchers and professorships that have shown particular commitment to the internationalization of teaching and research.
Together with European partners from the Paris School of Business in France (Assoc. Prof. Ignasi Capdevila, PhD), the Private University Schloss Seeburg in Austria (Prof. Dr. Christoph Stöckmann) and the Prague University of Economics and Business (Assoc. Prof. Marko Orel, PhD), Cowork4EU aims to establish coworking best practices in the university sector.
The project will develop a joint course with the integration of coworking spaces into teaching. In addition, the establishment of an international network of university coworking spaces is planned.