Research talk and workshops by Professor Youngjin Yoo

In the week of January 15 - 19, 2024, our chair experienced a scientific highlight: the first international research visit of this year. Professor Youngjin Yoo from Case Western Reserve University (USA), a leading figure in the field of information systems, enriched us with a profound exchange around his and our latest research. The initiative for the visit came from our doctoral student Vincent Heimburg, who obtained funding from tu.hosts for the research visit.
Professor Yoo's research talk, titled "The Architecture of Digital Objects and Platform Ecosystems: The Emerging Decentralized Layered Modular Architecture and Evolving Platform Ecosystems", was of great importance not only because of its innovative content, but also because of its relevance to our current research projects. His presentation on Decentralized Layered Modular Architecture and Evolving Platform Ecosystems provided valuable impulses and inspired new approaches in our research. Numerous guests from the department Business and Economics, other departments and the UA-Ruhr attended the lecture on January 15.
In addition to the research talk, Professor Yoo's visit also provided a unique opportunity for our doctoral students to continue their education in specially designed workshops. The 1:1 coaching sessions were another highlight of the visit. They offered an exceptional opportunity for our young researchers to receive feedback on current research ideas.