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Participation in research colloquium in Nuremberg

Group picture of the participants of the research colloquium in Nuremberg © Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship ​/​ University of Passau
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Members of the Professorship for Strategic Management and Leadership present and discuss current research in management

The Professorship for Strategic Management and Leadership participated in a research colloquium at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg from February 9 to 10, together with researchers from the University of Passau and Philipps-University Marburg. During the two-day research colloquium, PhD students of the chairs and professorships of Prof. Dr. König, Prof. Dr. Junge, Prof. Dr. Wulf, and Prof. Dr. Graf-Vlachy presented and discussed current research projects. Simon Asbach presented his research on the interaction between humans and human-like algorithms. Maximilian Theissen discussed his current research on firm cash holdings, and Lena Kamp spoke on the reputation of strategic managers. The colloquium led to interesting discussions from which the PhD students could take away helpful feedback.