Study on Governing Innovation Platforms in Multi-Business Organisations published

The recent study "Governing innovation platforms in multi-business organisations" examines how companies with multiple business units can successfully govern innovation platforms. Using data from a longitudinal case study of an automotive manufacturer that has introduced an innovation platform, it is shown that established approaches to IT governance in multi-business organisations are not suitable for managing the tensions created by the introduction of innovation platforms, as they tend to focus on cross-business synergies rather than on innovations from the business units. However, multi-business organisations (MBOs) can benefit from evolving IT governance if they are adaptable. They should allow more flexibility and responsibility for individual business units and give them priority over external complementors. The article by Maximilian Schreieck (The Wharton School and Technical University of Munich), Manuel Wiesche (TU Dortmund University) and Helmut Krcmar (Technical University of Munich) was published in the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS).
The European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) is on of the top 8 journals in the Information Systems discipline. It has an impact factor of 2.6 and it is ranked in category A according to VHB Ranking JOURQUAL 3.