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Postal Address:

Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund
Fakultät Wirtschafts­wissen­schaften
44221 Dort­mund

Delivery Address:

Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund
Fakultät Wirtschafts­wissen­schaften
Friedrich-Wöhler-Weg 6
44227 Dort­mund

Campus Address:

Campus: North
Building: FWW6
Floor: 2

The Department on Campus

The individual facilities of the Department of Business and Economics are spread across the entire North Campus of the University. The contact details of the respective institution can be found in which building each institution is located:

Delivery Address Campus Name Abbreviation (old)
Friedrich-Wöhler-Weg 6 Seminarraumgebäude I FWW6 (SRG I)
Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12 - MSW12
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4 Physik OH4 (P1 bzw. P2)
Otto-Hahn-Str. 6 Chemie OH6 (C1 bzw. C2)
Otto-Hahn-Str. 12 - OH12
Vogelpothsweg 87 Mathematik VP87 (M)